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SO BAD, ca sĩ Eminem - GMOBILE


So bad

- Gmobile Koolring
Ca sĩ: Eminem
Lượt nghe: 1706 Mã số: 96641
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(1 lượt)

Cài làm NHẠC CHỜ (trực tiếp), soạn: CHO 96641 gửi 8377

Tặng bạn bè, soạn: CHO 96641 SốĐT gửi 8377

Cài bài hát làm NHẠC CHỜ, soạn: CHO 96641
Tặng bạn bè, soạn: CHO 96641 SốĐT
gửi 8377
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Tải bài này làm NHẠC CHUÔNG, soạn HNC 96641 gửi 8377
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Lời bài hát "So bad"

Sáng tác: Nhạc Nước Ngoài

"So Bad"
Haha ..you feel that baby?
Yeah, I feel it too.
You know..I'm so glad we could spend this time together
See, I'm not as crazy as you thought I was, am i?
I'm the American dream! I'm the definition of white trash balling,
I'm right back on 'em, with the
[scratches] I can't call it
Same shit, different toilet, oh you got a nice ass darlin'!
Can't wait to get you into my Benz, take you for a spin
What you mean we ain't fuckin', you take me for a friend?
Let me tell you the whole story of Shady's origin
You'll be sorry if you slam my Mercedes door again!
Now, it all started with my father
I must have got my pimping genes from him, the way he left my mama
I'm a rolling stone just like him, word to Johnny Drama
Keep my entourage with me, baby I'll make a promise
There ain't nobody as bomb as me
I'm as calm as The breeze, I'm the bees knees, his legs and his arms I'm a
S-superstar, girl, I'm ready for you mama!
Why you think the only thing I got on is my pyjamas?
[Chorus x2]
So bad
So good that I'm so bad
Guarantee I'll be the greatest thing you ever had
Cause you ain't never met nobody like me
And you ain't gonna wanna fuck nobody else again
I'm equivalent to a shot of Cuevo, first I kiss your navel
Work my way down, baby you can lay down on the table
But you may wanna find something more stable
I told you I ain't fooling from the gate, this ain't the first day of April!
But thank you for staying April, I'ma make you learn
To appreciate me, differentiate me
From these phoney, little fishy and sissy fake G's
Skip over the huggy-bear and all the kissyface, please
Initiate phase three! Missy now service me
Take another shot of Jager, shake it so nervously
Take your time baby, ooh you're the bomb baby!
Ooh you're doing that even better than your mom lady!
I told you I'm Shady, you didn't listen now, did you?
Relax woman, you know that I'm only kidding with you
Got a twisted sense of humour, it's warped, but I didn't hit you
I think you're finally starting to get the picture, I'm..
[Chorus x2]
Dyn amite, dynamite, dynamite, so!
Dynamite, dynamite, dynamite, so!
I can hold you in the morning
But in the evening I gotta go..
'cause I'm on to the next girl,
And the next girl I kinda like, oh, oh, oh..!
I got you caught up in the rapture
Make you recapture the feelings you had for your last boyfriend before he slapped you
You never wanted someone so bad you're sweating
But if I'm what you wanted, why'd you panic when I grabbed you?
Girl don't be so frantic I'm just a hopeless romantic
Don't try to fight the feeling of something that's organic
You can't ignore it, so don't just stand before it
Just drop them panties to the floor, let's get to camcordin'
Damn shorty, I told you this was bound to happen
Soon as you wrote your number on a napkin I was bound to work a number on your back and
Throw your spine out of alignment
My love has got you so blinded you couldn't pick any one else out of a lineup
so stop at a store, pick a pint up
Let's get the pineapple schnapps going, no one'll knock cause I'ma hang a sign up
Saying "Don't Disturb", shorty I'm so superb
I say the right things, don't I spit the dopest words?
[Chorus x2]
[ Chorus x2]
[Over the chorus] Haha..
Dr. Dre
Light years ahead of you..haha..

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HD tải nhạc chờ "So bad" (Gmobile)

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Cài đặt/ cài nhạc chờ So bad Gmobile Koolring, ca sĩ Eminem
Mã số nhạc chờ So bad - ca sĩ Eminem - mạng Gmobile Koolring; Download/ tải nhạc chờ So bad Gmobile Koolring miễn phí về điện thoại/ máy tính; Nghe nhạc chờ So bad ca sĩ Eminem (Gmobile Koolring) online;
Cai nhac cho So bad Gmobile Koolring, ca si Eminem ;
Ma so nhac cho So bad - ca si Eminem - mang Gmobile Koolring; Tai nhac cho So bad Gmobile Koolring mien phi ve may tinh/ dien thoai; Nghe nhac cho So bad ca si Eminem (Gmobile Koolring);

Nhạc chờ cùng thể loại
Why not me  
My love  
One more night  
No Promises  
Born to be a lady  
Take Me To Your Heart  
Close to you  
Close to you  
Hát ru em  
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Nhạc chờ Eminem
Without me  
Not Afraid  
Role model  
Space Bound  
So bad  
My name is  
On fire  
Almost famous  
Rock bottom  
Brain damage  
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