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Never ever

- Vietnamobile Happyring
Ca sĩ: All Saints
Lượt nghe: 502 Mã số: 268387
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(1 lượt)

Cài làm NHẠC CHỜ (trực tiếp), soạn: CHO 268387 gửi 8377

Tặng bạn bè, soạn: CHO 268387 SốĐT gửi 8377

Cài bài hát làm NHẠC CHỜ, soạn: CHO 268387
Tặng bạn bè, soạn: CHO 268387 SốĐT
gửi 8377
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Tải bài này làm NHẠC CHUÔNG, soạn HNC 268387 gửi 8377
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Lời bài hát "Never ever"

Sáng tác: Nhạc Nước Ngoài

A few questions that I need to know
how you could ever hurt me so
I need to know what I've done wrong
and how long it's been going on
Was it that I never paid enough attention?
Or did I not give enough affection?
Not only will your answers keep me sane
but I'll know never to make the same mistake again
You can tell me to my face or even on the phone
You can write it in a letter, either way, I have to know
Did I never treat you right?
Did I always start the fight?
Either way, I'm going out of my mind
all the answers to my questions
I have to find
My head's spinning
Boy, I'm in a daze
I feel isolated
Don't wanna communicate
I'll take a shower, I will scour
I will rub
To find peace of mind
The happy mind I once owned, yeah
Flexing vocabulary runs right through me
The alphabet runs right from A to Zed
Conversations, hesitations in my mind
You got my conscience asking questions that I can't find
I'm not crazy
I'm sure I ain't done nothing wrong, no
I'm just waiting
'Cause I heard that this feeling
won't last that long
Never ever have I ever felt so low
When you gonna take me out of this black hole?
Never ever have I ever felt so sad
The way I'm feeling yeah, you got me feeling really bad
Never ever have I had to find
I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind
I've Never ever had my conscience to fight
The way I'm feeling, yeah, I just don't feel right
I'll keep searching
Deep within my soul
For all the answers
Don't wanna hurt no more
I need peace, got to feel at ease
Need to be.
Free from pain - going insane
My heart aches, yeah
Sometimes vocabulary runs through my head
The alphabet runs right from A to Zed
Conversations, hesitations in my mind
You got my conscience asking questions that I can't find
I'm not crazy,
I'm sure I ain't done nothing wrong
I'm just waiting
'Cause I heard that this feeling won't last that long
Never ever have I ever felt so low
When ya gonna take me out of this black hole?
Never ever have I ever felt so sad
The way I'm feeling yeah, you got me feeling really bad
Never ever have I had to find
I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind
I've Never ever had my conscience to fight
The way I'm feeling, yeah, I just don't feel right x4
You can tell me to my face,
You can tell me on the phone,
Uh, You can write it in a letter, babe
'Cause I really need to know
You can write it in a letter, babe
You can write it in a letter, babe

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Nhạc chờ cùng từ khóa "Never ever" - Vietnamobile Happyring

Tên nhạc chờ Ca sĩ  
Never everKhánh Dũng  
Never everAll Saints  

HD tải nhạc chờ "Never ever" (Vietnamobile)

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Ma so nhac cho Never ever - ca si All Saints - mang Vietnamobile Happyring; Tai nhac cho Never ever Vietnamobile Happyring mien phi ve may tinh/ dien thoai; Nghe nhac cho Never ever ca si All Saints (Vietnamobile Happyring);

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