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RAINBOW, ca sĩ Jessie J - VIETTEL



- Viettel Imuzik
Ca sĩ: Jessie J
Lượt nghe: 263 Mã số: 109735
Bình chọn: 
(1 lượt)

Cài làm NHẠC CHỜ (trực tiếp), soạn: CHO 109735 gửi 8377

Tặng bạn bè, soạn: CHO 109735 SốĐT gửi 8377

Cài làm NHẠC CHỜ (trực tiếp), soạn: CHO 109735
Tặng bạn bè, soạn: CHO 109735 SốĐT
gửi 8377
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Tải bài này làm NHẠC CHUÔNG, soạn HNC 109735 gửi 8377
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Lời bài hát "Rainbow"

Sáng tác: Nhạc Nước Ngoài

Let me see you walk on the colors nice and shine and
Make it bright
Let me see you walk on the colors nice and shine and
Make it bright
Let me see you walk on the colors nice and shine and
Make it bright
Let me see you let me let me let me see you let me let me
[Verse 1:]
Beautiful rainbow,
Like the spectrum of 7 - the colours,
you know they\'re painted in the sky
It’s like the seven days
It\'s like the seven ways
Like the feelings of joy, love, mad, hope, even depression
Drop the rain and shows what the seven colors are aye
Now play with Rainbow
Like you\'ve never play around before
Wear the Rainbow
Like you\'ve never feel the joy before
Ride the Rainbow high n\' low
With the beat goes up like fast n\' slow
Let me see the Red
Fire tells me hot
Let me see the Orange
Juicy\'s what they got
Let me see the Yellow
This is how they glow
Now let me see the Green
Ima tell you fo sho\'
[Hook x2:]
Rainbow shines
Rainbow shines
Rainbow flys
Rainbow flys
Rainbow dances
Up the sky
You\'re the colours of my life
[Verse 2]
Green to blue, like land to sea,
smile to smile, laugh to laugh,
your face is glowing, do you know?
you have a nice hair, take off that hat.
Rainbows dont show if you dont show
Rainbows dont glow if you dont glow
For inside of it you’ll see you\'ll find yourself in every color you would find what a rainbow ought to be
Tell me whats it gonna be
Tell me what you believe and see
Tell me that you\'re here with me
Waiting for rainbow In the raindrops Meadow,
Sky is not showing grace Rainbow is not in trace
Let me see the Blue
You know what they do
Let me see the Indigo wha chu know bout the great intermingle
Now let me see Violet
Romantic baby girl
And let me see the seven colors dancing on the air
So whats ya favorite colors hah?

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HD tải nhạc chờ "Rainbow" (Viettel)

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Để nghe nhạc chờ Rainbow, ca sĩ Jessie J - mạng Viettel Imuzik, trình duyệt/ browser của bạn cần hỗ trợ window media, flash và javascript.
Tải nhạc chờ Rainbow mạng Viettel miễn phí về máy tính, click vào nút download từ danh sách nhạc hoặc click nút save ở box phía phải. Định dạng nhạc chờ tải về: mp3, wav hoặc wma.

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Cài đặt/ cài nhạc chờ Rainbow Viettel Imuzik, ca sĩ Jessie J
Mã số nhạc chờ Rainbow - ca sĩ Jessie J - mạng Viettel Imuzik; Download/ tải nhạc chờ Rainbow Viettel Imuzik miễn phí về điện thoại/ máy tính; Nghe nhạc chờ Rainbow ca sĩ Jessie J (Viettel Imuzik) online;
Cai nhac cho Rainbow Viettel Imuzik, ca si Jessie J ;
Ma so nhac cho Rainbow - ca si Jessie J - mang Viettel Imuzik; Tai nhac cho Rainbow Viettel Imuzik mien phi ve may tinh/ dien thoai; Nghe nhac cho Rainbow ca si Jessie J (Viettel Imuzik);

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