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I COULD BE THE ONE, ca sĩ Avicii,Nicky Romero - VINAPHONE


I could be the one

- Vinaphone Ringtunes
Ca sĩ: Avicii,Nicky Romero
Lượt nghe: 835 Mã số: 30536
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(1 lượt)

Cài làm NHẠC CHỜ (trực tiếp), soạn: CHO 30536 gửi 8377

Tặng bạn bè, soạn: CHO 30536 SốĐT gửi 8377

Cài làm NHẠC CHỜ (trực tiếp), soạn: CHO 30536
Tặng bạn bè, soạn: CHO 30536 SốĐT
gửi 8377
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Tải bài này làm NHẠC CHUÔNG, soạn HNC 30536 gửi 8377
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Lời bài hát "I could be the one"

I could be the one
I could be the one
I wonder what I've got to be
For You to wanna use me
I do not always have just the right words to say
But You taught me simple things
That I'd love the chance to bring
To a world of people who just simply need You
Doesn't matter where I'm from
Where I've been
How far I've come
Doesn't matter where I live
Or what I have
You want my life
Doesn't matter who I know
Or what I've done
You Take it all
You want me as I am
I could be the one
Someone You're looking for
I don't have much to give
Lord, I'm ready
And through You
I could be the one
Whatever You want me to do
I will hold on to
What You say can be done
I could be the one
It is amazing to see
That You chose people like me
Who get off track, fall, crashin' down to the ground
But that's when You pick me up
And show Your strength is enough
You can use a broken heart to heal a broken life
Doesn't matter where I'm from
Where I've been
How far I've come
Doesn't matter where I live
Or what I have
You want my life
Doesn't matter who I know
Or what I've done
You Take it all
You want me as I am
I could be the one
Someone You're looking for
I don't have much to give
Lord, I'm ready
And through You
I could be the one
Whatever you want me to do
I will hold on to
What you say can be done
I could be the one
Someone You're looking for
I don't have much to give
Lord, I'm ready
And through You
I could be the one
Whatever you want me to do
I will hold on to
What you say can be done
I could be the one
Bright, Bright
Shooby-Doop, Shooby-Doop
Bright, Bright
Shooby-Doop, Shooby-Doop-Doop
Bri ght
You take the crazy things
You take the weakest things
You use the foolish things
To show Your glory
Lord take my broken heart
Take all of my mistakes
Please, take all of me
I want to show how great You are
I could be the one
Someone You're looking for
I don't have much to give
Lord, I'm ready
And through You
I could be the one
Whatever you want me to do
I will hold on to
What you say can be done
I could be the one
If You say it can be done
I believe I could be the one [repeated]

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HD tải nhạc chờ "I could be the one" (Vinaphone)

Để xem mã số nhạc chờ bài hát I could be the one - Avicii,Nicky Romero (mạng Vinaphone) và HD cài đặt làm nhạc chờ cho điện thoại, click vào nút "Tải và cài làm nhạc chờ" phía dưới player (công cụ nghe nhạc). Đưa chuột vào biểu tượng sao để đánh giá bài hát đang nghe.

Để nghe nhạc chờ I could be the one, ca sĩ Avicii,Nicky Romero - mạng Vinaphone Ringtunes, trình duyệt/ browser của bạn cần hỗ trợ window media, flash và javascript.
Tải nhạc chờ I could be the one mạng Vinaphone miễn phí về máy tính, click vào nút download từ danh sách nhạc hoặc click nút save ở box phía phải. Định dạng nhạc chờ tải về: mp3, wav hoặc wma.

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Cài đặt/ cài nhạc chờ I could be the one Vinaphone Ringtunes, ca sĩ Avicii,Nicky Romero
Mã số nhạc chờ I could be the one - ca sĩ Avicii,Nicky Romero - mạng Vinaphone Ringtunes; Download/ tải nhạc chờ I could be the one Vinaphone Ringtunes miễn phí về điện thoại/ máy tính; Nghe nhạc chờ I could be the one ca sĩ Avicii,Nicky Romero (Vinaphone Ringtunes) online;
Cai nhac cho I could be the one Vinaphone Ringtunes, ca si Avicii,Nicky Romero ;
Ma so nhac cho I could be the one - ca si Avicii,Nicky Romero - mang Vinaphone Ringtunes; Tai nhac cho I could be the one Vinaphone Ringtunes mien phi ve may tinh/ dien thoai; Nghe nhac cho I could be the one ca si Avicii,Nicky Romero (Vinaphone Ringtunes);

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