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Nhạc chờ Locked up

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Locked up

Sáng tác: nhạc sĩ Chưa biết
Các ca sĩ: Bruno Mars, Eric Neveux, Classic, Styles P, 15, Gary Chang, Akon, 2Pac
Thời gian sáng tác:
Ngôn ngữ chính của bài hát: Tiếng Anh
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MớiViettel Mobifone Vinaphone Vietnamobile Gmobile
Im steady tryna find a motive,
Why do what I do?,
Freedom aint gettin no closer,
No matter how far I go,
My car is stolen, no registration,
Cops patrolin, and now they done stop me,
And I get locked up,
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
Headin up town to re-up,
Back with a couple keys,
Corner blocks on fire,
Under covers dressed as feens,
Makin so much money,
Products movin' fast,
Put away the stash,
And as I sold the last bag fucked around and got locked up
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (my nigga I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (I got locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (baby girl I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
Cuz visitation no longer comes by,
Seems like they forgot about me,
Commissary is getting empty,
My cell mates getting food without me,
Can't wait to get out and move forward with my life,
Got a family that loves me and wants me to do right
But instead I'm here locked up
They won't let me out, they won't let me out,
(ohhh I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out,
(my nigga I'm locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
Maybe a visit (they won't let me out)
Send me some magazines (they won't let me out)
Send me some money orders (they won't let me out, no)
Maybe a visit baby (they won't let me out)
Cuz I'm locked up, they won't let me out.
Wheres my lawyer? (they won't let me out)
I'm locked up, they won't let me out, no.
Get me outta here (they won't let me out)
I'm locked up, they won't let me out, they won't let me out.
Baby Im locked up they won't let me out, no
Where's my niggaz?
On the lock-down.
Damn, I'm locked up, they won't let me out.
I'm locked up, they won't let me out.
Ohhh... they won't let me out.
Can you please accept my phone calls?
Cuz I'm locked up, locked up, locked up.


Ghi chú về lời bài hát Locked up

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Locked up được cập nhật thường xuyên tại cainhaccho.net.
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Để tìm bài hát nhạc chờ Locked up theo mạng diện thoại của bạn, click liên kết từ menu bên trái hoặc tìm kiếm ở box phía trên theo từ khóa ("Locked up")

Khi bạn sử dụng thông tin về bài hát "Locked up", vui lòng ghi rõ nguồn cainhaccho.net

Từ khóa tìm kiếm:
Lời bài hát Locked up, Lời bài hát Locked up Bruno Mars, Eric Neveux, Classic, Styles P, 15, Gary Chang, Akon, 2Pac, Locked up Lyric, thời gian/ năm sáng tác bài hát Locked up, Locked up lời bài hát - nhạc sĩ sáng tác khuyết danh, lyric Locked up - composer khuyết danh
Loi bai hat Locked up, Locked up Lyric, thoi gian/ nam sang tac bai hat Locked up, Locked up loi bai hat - nhac si sang tac khuyết danh, lyric Locked up - composer khuyết danh

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