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Nhạc chờ Wasted

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Wasted

Sáng tác: nhạc sĩ Chưa biết
Các ca sĩ: Carrie Underwood, Blue Rodeo, Foo fighters, Donna Summer, Nightcore, Armin van Buuren, Def Leppard, Jennifer Paige, Lee Hyun Woo, Jay Park, Danielle Bradbery, The Runaways, Stabbing Westward, Tiesto ft. Matthew Koma, Kushin, Meisa Kuroki
Thời gian sáng tác:
Ngôn ngữ chính của bài hát: Tiếng Anh
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MớiViettel Mobifone Vinaphone Vietnamobile Gmobile
Standing at the back door
She tried to make it fast
One tear hit the hard wood
It fell like broken glass
She said sometimes love slips away
And you just can't get it back
Let's face it
For one split second
She almost turned around
But that would be like pouring rain drops
Back into a cloud
So she took another step and said
I see the way out and I'm gonna' take it
I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by
Anothe r glass of whisky but it still don't kill the pain
So he stumbles to the sink and pours it down the drain
He says it's time to be a man and stop living for yesterday
Gotta face it.
Cause' I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by
Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time
She kept drivin' along
Till the moon and the sun were floating side-by-side
He looked in the mirror and his eyes were clear
For the first time in a while
Hey, yeah,
Oh, I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by
Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time
Oh, I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by
Yeah, yeah
Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time


Ghi chú về lời bài hát Wasted

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Wasted được cập nhật thường xuyên tại cainhaccho.net.
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Khi bạn sử dụng thông tin về bài hát "Wasted", vui lòng ghi rõ nguồn cainhaccho.net

Từ khóa tìm kiếm:
Lời bài hát Wasted, Lời bài hát Wasted Carrie Underwood, Blue Rodeo, Foo fighters, Donna Summer, Nightcore, Armin van Buuren, Def Leppard, Jennifer Paige, Lee Hyun Woo, Jay Park, Danielle Bradbery, The Runaways, Stabbing Westward, Tiesto ft. Matthew Koma, Kushin, Meisa Kuroki, Wasted Lyric, thời gian/ năm sáng tác bài hát Wasted, Wasted lời bài hát - nhạc sĩ sáng tác khuyết danh, lyric Wasted - composer khuyết danh
Loi bai hat Wasted, Wasted Lyric, thoi gian/ nam sang tac bai hat Wasted, Wasted loi bai hat - nhac si sang tac khuyết danh, lyric Wasted - composer khuyết danh

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