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Nhạc chờ Dry your eyes

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Dry your eyes

Sáng tác: nhạc sĩ Chưa biết
Các ca sĩ: Wrinkle Neck Mules, Lương Văn Âm / Rachel / 梁文音, George Benson, Woong San, J Dawg, Midori Karashima, Lương Văn Âm / Rachel Liang / 梁文音, Unknown, Tim Ellis, Dogzilla, Sean Kingston, Bob Wills, Neil Diamond, The Streets, Dương Thừa Lâm ft. La Chí Tường, Michael Bublé, Kate Boy, Frank Sinatra, The Band, Arashi, Lương Văn Âm, 3PFD
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MớiViettel Mobifone Vinaphone Vietnamobile Gmobile
Mommy just dry your eyes, mommy dont you cry
I know we've been through hard times and the struggles
And I just wanna tell you I love you
[Verse 1:]
Only 15 put under pressure
First month 27th day,
They took away my mother
I was left to be raised by my brother
Taught to be a hustla
Mommy gone gotta stick together
Stay strong through the stormy weather
Became a top seller
Look how we stackin this chedder
When you jump mommy life would be better
Just like Rihanna, you can stand under my umbrella
You know how to make me better
Even when we low on cheddar
Even through the stormy weather
You hold me down
M ommy just dry your eyes, mommy dont you cry
I know we've been through hard times and the struggles
And I just wanna tell you I love you
[Verse 2:]
17 got a little money
Feelin' kinda blue
'Cause it's lookin you doin 10 to 20
Ridin bein broke ain't funny
It's hard bein hungry
But imma keep hustlin' for my mommy
Until I get rich like Puffy
Never had a plan B
You said I can be all I can be
Some day Ima buy you miami
[Dry Your Eyes lyrics on http://www.metrolyri cs.com]
So when I win my Grammy
You commin' 'cause I do this for my family
Y ou know how to make me better
Even when we low on cheddar
Even through the stormy weather
You hold me down
M ommy just dry your eyes, mommy dont you cry
I know we've been through hard times and the struggles
And I just wanna tell you I love you
[Bridge :]
17 now my mommy's gone
Can't wait till she come back home
Me see her face like dust till dawn, while she went away
Never think it be so long
I feel like cryin' while I'm writin' this song
Can't wait till that day come on
When she leave the place
Hey whats up mom, how you doin'?
It's been about 2 years since I saw your face
I miss you like crazy
Know the money orders the pre-paid costs
Bein' on my own
Know, me, Kurt, Canino
But I love you though
This for you
Mo mmy just dry your eyes, mommy don't you cry
I know we've been through hard times and the struggles
And I just wanna tell you I love you


Ghi chú về lời bài hát Dry your eyes

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Từ khóa tìm kiếm:
Lời bài hát Dry your eyes, Lời bài hát Dry your eyes Wrinkle Neck Mules, Lương Văn Âm / Rachel / 梁文音, George Benson, Woong San, J Dawg, Midori Karashima, Lương Văn Âm / Rachel Liang / 梁文音, Unknown, Tim Ellis, Dogzilla, Sean Kingston, Bob Wills, Neil Diamond, The Streets, Dương Thừa Lâm ft. La Chí Tường, Michael Bublé, Kate Boy, Frank Sinatra, The Band, Arashi, Lương Văn Âm, 3PFD, Dry your eyes Lyric, thời gian/ năm sáng tác bài hát Dry your eyes, Dry your eyes lời bài hát - nhạc sĩ sáng tác khuyết danh, lyric Dry your eyes - composer khuyết danh
Loi bai hat Dry your eyes, Dry your eyes Lyric, thoi gian/ nam sang tac bai hat Dry your eyes, Dry your eyes loi bai hat - nhac si sang tac khuyết danh, lyric Dry your eyes - composer khuyết danh

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