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Nhạc chờ Bang Bang Bang

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Bang Bang Bang

Sáng tác: nhạc sĩ Chưa biết
Các ca sĩ: The Scene, The Business Intl, Phạm Duy, Adam Levine, Selena Gomez, Anh Đào, M, 365DaBand, Bigbang, Hồ Ngọc Hà, Mark Ronson, Nicki Minaj
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Un, deux, trois
Bang, bang, bang
Feathers, I'm plucking feathers
One by one, by one
No more skylarking, around my head
Your information
But there's no hiding, behind moulting feathers
On the plane, on my brain, 'bout to do the sho'
40k contract, take it out the do'
Dice, symbolise my life, roll 'em on the flo'
From your grubby hands, as you hand the grand stand
You live a shitty life, we live a bon, bon vie
Hotter than the book, while we watch the tv
Think you got us fooled, ooh never again
First time, shame on me, second time, your time will end
No way, bang you're dead, here's your silhouette
Je te plumerai la, tete
Je te plumerai la, tete
Bang you're dead, alouette, here's your silhouette
Je te plumerai la, tete
Je te plumerai la, tete
No way, no, (the clock) it's ticking forward
No way, it's just a cruel, cruel world
Cruel world is fittin', they got us all hittin'
With late night divisions, and lab app decisions
But based with decisions, to fight a fricasse
And you've clearly decided, on how to handle me
Difficile, immbocile, is it fake, is it real
Are we dying on our feet, are we trying in our sleep
There's a rumour goin' 'round, 'bout the suits runnin' town
If you look into the sky, them birds fly high, high, high
Numbers, you got that number
You're looking outwards, and don't see the big picture
Over your shoulder, you'll get no last words
Because it's too late, you've clipped your own wings (your own wings)
No way, bang you're dead, here's your silhouette
Je te plumerai la, tete
Je te plumerai la, tete
Bang you're dead, alouette, here's your silhouette
Je te plumerai la, tete
Je te plumerai la, tete
We're never gonna, believe in, the stories, that you're weavin'
We're never gonna, believe in, the stories, that you're weavin'
We're never gonna, believe in, the stories, that you're weavin'
We're believin' in the proof, we're believin' in the truth
We're believin' in each other, not you, you, you
Stories (you with the tall tales), how many stories (so many tall tales)
We climb the structure (you scale the ladder)
You build it higher (you make us madder)
We take our aim (so now we're bearin' off)
You perch above your nest ( _ in your charms)
The stories in your head (it's a crazy bald head)
That's what got you dead
No way, bang you're dead, here's your silhouette
Je te plumerai la, tete
Je te plumerai la, tete
Bang you're dead, alouette, here's your silhouette
Je te plumerai la, tete
Je te plumerai la, tete
Un, deux, trois
No one ever does it like that anymore
Bang, bang, bang
When feathers fly, you deny everything (alouette)
Un, deux, trois
No one ever does it like that anymore
Bang, bang, bang (alouette)
When feathers fly, you deny everything yo

Ghi chú về lời bài hát Bang Bang Bang

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Bang Bang Bang được cập nhật thường xuyên tại cainhaccho.net.
Nếu bạn tìm thấy lyric/ lời bài hát Bang Bang Bang và các thông tin về tên tác giả/ nhạc sĩ sáng tác, ảnh bản nhạc, ngôn ngữ/ thời gian sáng tác hay ca sĩ thể hiện bài hát Bang Bang Bang không chính xác hoặc thiếu, cainhaccho.net rất cảm ơn nếu bạn đóng góp, gửi lời bình hoặc liên hệ với ban quản trị website.
Để tìm bài hát nhạc chờ Bang Bang Bang theo mạng diện thoại của bạn, click liên kết từ menu bên trái hoặc tìm kiếm ở box phía trên theo từ khóa ("Bang Bang Bang")

Khi bạn sử dụng thông tin về bài hát "Bang Bang Bang", vui lòng ghi rõ nguồn cainhaccho.net

Từ khóa tìm kiếm:
Lời bài hát Bang Bang Bang, Lời bài hát Bang Bang Bang The Scene, The Business Intl, Phạm Duy, Adam Levine, Selena Gomez, Anh Đào, M, 365DaBand, Bigbang, Hồ Ngọc Hà, Mark Ronson, Nicki Minaj, Bang Bang Bang Lyric, thời gian/ năm sáng tác bài hát Bang Bang Bang, Bang Bang Bang lời bài hát - nhạc sĩ sáng tác khuyết danh, lyric Bang Bang Bang - composer khuyết danh
Loi bai hat Bang Bang Bang, Bang Bang Bang Lyric, thoi gian/ nam sang tac bai hat Bang Bang Bang, Bang Bang Bang loi bai hat - nhac si sang tac khuyết danh, lyric Bang Bang Bang - composer khuyết danh

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