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Nhạc chờ Say hey

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Say hey

Sáng tác: nhạc sĩ Chưa biết
Các ca sĩ: Kylie Minogue, The Chipettes, Đông Đông, The Chipmunks & The Chipettes ft. Nomadik, 4 Non Blondes, KC Da Beat Monster, Amanda Morra, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Maroon 5
Thời gian sáng tác:
Ngôn ngữ chính của bài hát: Tiếng Anh
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Viettel Mobifone Vinaphone Vietnamobile Gmobile
This one goes out to you and yours worldwide
I say hey I be gone today
But I be back around the way
Seems like everywhere I go
The more I see
the less I know
But I know one thing
That I love you
I love you (3x)
I’ve been a lot of places all around the way
I’ve seen a lot joy and I’ve seen a lot of pain
but I don’t want to write a love song for the world,
I just want to write a song about a boy and a girl
Junkies on the corner always calling my name
And the kids on the corner playing ghetto games
When I saw you getting down well I hoped it was you
And when I looked into your eyes I knew it was true
I say Hey I be gone today
But I be back around the way
Michael Franti Spearhead lyrics on www.lyrics-celebrities.anekatips.com
Seems like everywhere I go
The more I see
the less I know
But I know one thing
That I love you
I love you (3x)
Now I’m not a highly metaphysical man
But I know when the stars are aligned
you can bump into person in the middle of the road
look into their eyes and you suddenly know
Rocking in the dance hall moving with you
Dancing in the night in the middle of June
My momma told me don’t lose you
‘cause the best luck I had was you
I said Hey I be gone today
But I be back around the way
Seems like everywhere I go
The more I see the less I know
But I know one thing
That I love you
I love you (3x)
And I said rocking in the dance hall moving with you
I said Hey momma hey momma close to you
Rocking in the dance hall moving with you
I said hey trippa trippa close to you
Rocking in the dance hall moving with you
I said Hey Momma close to you
Rocking in the dance hall I said
hey momma hey momma hey momma hey momma
My momma told me don’t lose you
Cause the best luck I had was you
And I know one thing that I love you
I said I be gone today but I’ll be back around the way
It seems like everywhere I go
The more I see the less I know
But I know one thing for sure
I love you (3x)

Ghi chú về lời bài hát Say hey

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Để tìm bài hát nhạc chờ Say hey theo mạng diện thoại của bạn, click liên kết từ menu bên trái hoặc tìm kiếm ở box phía trên theo từ khóa ("Say hey")

Khi bạn sử dụng thông tin về bài hát "Say hey", vui lòng ghi rõ nguồn cainhaccho.net

Từ khóa tìm kiếm:
Lời bài hát Say hey, Lời bài hát Say hey Kylie Minogue, The Chipettes, Đông Đông, The Chipmunks & The Chipettes ft. Nomadik, 4 Non Blondes, KC Da Beat Monster, Amanda Morra, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Maroon 5, Say hey Lyric, thời gian/ năm sáng tác bài hát Say hey, Say hey lời bài hát - nhạc sĩ sáng tác khuyết danh, lyric Say hey - composer khuyết danh
Loi bai hat Say hey, Say hey Lyric, thoi gian/ nam sang tac bai hat Say hey, Say hey loi bai hat - nhac si sang tac khuyết danh, lyric Say hey - composer khuyết danh

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