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Nhạc chờ Just A Dream

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Just A Dream

Sáng tác: nhạc sĩ Chưa biết
Các ca sĩ: Carrie Underwood, Sam Tsui, Armik, Nightcore, Dave Specter, Delerium, Andree ft Addy Trần, Connie Francis, Nelly, Andree ft. Addy Trần, Charlie Puth, J Rice, David Michel, Trey Songz, Huỳnh Anh Tuấn, Ozzy Osbourne, Thai Viet G, Lisa Marie Presley, Addy Trần, Nelly Furtado, Jimmy Wayne, The Chainsmokers
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It was two weeks after the day she turned eighteen
All dressed in white
Going to the church that night
She had his box of letters in the passenger seat
Sixpence in a shoe, something borrowed, something blue
And when the church doors opened up wide
She put her veil down
Trying to hide the tears
Oh she just couldn't believe it
She heard trumpets from the military band
And the flowers fell out of her hand
Baby why'd you leave me
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
I can't even breathe
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream
The preacher man said let us bow our heads and pray
Lord please lift his soul, and heal this hurt
Then the congregation all stood up and sang the saddest song that she ever heard
Then they handed her a folded up flag
And she held on to all she had left of him
Oh, and what could have been
And then the guns rang one last shot
And it felt like a bullet in her heart
Baby why'd you leave me
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
I can't even breathe
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream
Baby why'd you leave me
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
Oh, now I'll never know
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream
Oh, this is just a dream
Just a dream
Yeah, Yeah

Ghi chú về lời bài hát Just A Dream

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Từ khóa tìm kiếm:
Lời bài hát Just A Dream, Lời bài hát Just A Dream Carrie Underwood, Sam Tsui, Armik, Nightcore, Dave Specter, Delerium, Andree ft Addy Trần, Connie Francis, Nelly, Andree ft. Addy Trần, Charlie Puth, J Rice, David Michel, Trey Songz, Huỳnh Anh Tuấn, Ozzy Osbourne, Thai Viet G, Lisa Marie Presley, Addy Trần, Nelly Furtado, Jimmy Wayne, The Chainsmokers, Just A Dream Lyric, thời gian/ năm sáng tác bài hát Just A Dream, Just A Dream lời bài hát - nhạc sĩ sáng tác khuyết danh, lyric Just A Dream - composer khuyết danh
Loi bai hat Just A Dream, Just A Dream Lyric, thoi gian/ nam sang tac bai hat Just A Dream, Just A Dream loi bai hat - nhac si sang tac khuyết danh, lyric Just A Dream - composer khuyết danh

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