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Nhạc chờ Lost in the echo

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Lost in the echo

Sáng tác: nhạc sĩ Linkin Park
Các ca sĩ: Nightcore, Jung Nicole ft Jin Woon, Linkin Park
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Viettel Mobifone Vinaphone Vietnamobile Gmobile
You were that foundation
Never gonna be another one, no.
I followed, so taken
So conditioned I could never let go
Then sorrow, then sickness
Then the shock when you flip it on me
So hollow, so vicious
So afraid I couldn't let myself see
That I could never be held
Back or up no, I'll hold myself
Check the rep, yep you know mine well
Forget the rest let them know my hell
There and back yet my soul ain't sell
Kept respect up,the best they fell,
Let the rest be the tale they tell
That I was there saying…
In these promises broken
Deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo
So one last lie I can see through
This time I finally let you
Go, go, go.
Test my will, test my heart
Let me tell you how the odds gonna stack up
Y'all go hard, I go smart
How's that working out for y'all in the back, huh?
I've seen that frustration
Been crossed and lost and told "No"
And I've come back unshaken
Let down and lived and let go
So you can let it be known
I don't hold back, I hold my own
I can't be mapped, I can't be cloned
I can't C-flat / it ain't my tone
I can't fall back, I came too far
Hold myself up and love my scars
Let the bells ring wherever they are
'Cause I was there saying...
In these promises broken
Deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo
So one last lie I can see through
This time I finally let you go!!!
Go, go, go.
No, you can tell 'em all now
I don't back up, I don't back down
I don't fold up, and I don't bow
I don't roll over, don't know how
I don't care where the enemies are
Can't be stopped, all I know; go hard
Won't forget how I got this far
For every time saying…
In these promises broken
Deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo
So one last lie I can see through
This time I finally let you
Go, go, go. (Go, go, go)
Go. go, go. (Go, go, go)

Các lời bài hát cùng nhạc sĩ "Linkin Park"

Ghi chú về lời bài hát Lost in the echo

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Lost in the echo - Linkin Park được cập nhật thường xuyên tại cainhaccho.net.
Nếu bạn tìm thấy lyric/ lời bài hát Lost in the echo và các thông tin về tên tác giả/ nhạc sĩ sáng tác, ảnh bản nhạc, ngôn ngữ/ thời gian sáng tác hay ca sĩ thể hiện bài hát Lost in the echo không chính xác hoặc thiếu, cainhaccho.net rất cảm ơn nếu bạn đóng góp, gửi lời bình hoặc liên hệ với ban quản trị website.
Để tìm bài hát nhạc chờ Lost in the echo theo mạng diện thoại của bạn, click liên kết từ menu bên trái hoặc tìm kiếm ở box phía trên theo từ khóa ("Lost in the echo")

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Từ khóa tìm kiếm:
Lời bài hát Lost in the echo - Linkin Park, Lời bài hát Lost in the echo Nightcore, Jung Nicole ft Jin Woon, Linkin Park, Lost in the echo Lyric, thời gian/ năm sáng tác bài hát Lost in the echo, Lost in the echo lời bài hát - nhạc sĩ sáng tác Linkin Park, lyric Lost in the echo - composer Linkin Park
Loi bai hat Lost in the echo - linkin park, Lost in the echo Lyric, thoi gian/ nam sang tac bai hat Lost in the echo, Lost in the echo loi bai hat - nhac si sang tac Linkin Park, lyric Lost in the echo - composer Linkin Park

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