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Nhạc chờ Roller coast

Lyric/ Lời bài hát Roller coast

Sáng tác: nhạc sĩ Chưa biết
Các ca sĩ: Audition
Thời gian sáng tác:
Ngôn ngữ chính của bài hát: Tiếng Anh
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MớiViettel Mobifone Vinaphone Vietnamobile Gmobile
Party, over here over there, what, party party party
Party, over here over there, what, party party party
Talking no lies
Y'all wanna know, why he don't stop
Y'all wanna know, why he don't flop
Let me tell you pe-eople why
Came from the bottom of the block I
When I was born, it was sworn, I was never gon' be ****
Had to pull the opposite out this *****
Had to get my ri-ide on
Eyes on the prize, Shawn knew I had to
Had to had to get these chips
Had to make moves like Olajuwon
Started out sellin dimes and nicks
Graduated to a brick
No exaggeration, my infatuation with the strip
Legendary like a schoolboy
Crushin merely nearly every every chick
Heavy **** - that's how schoolboy got whipped
And got left on some "Just Me, Myself and I"
On some Trugoy ****
Had your boys threw a place up, to a place of no return
Had to play with fire and get burned
Only way the boy ever gonna learn
Had to lay way in the cut, 'till I finally got my turn
Now I'm on top
It's my pain and my struggle
The song that I sing to you it's my ev-ery-thing
Thirst is the same as when I came
Party, over here over there, what, party party party
Party, over here over there, what, party party party
Talking no lies
Like I never rode in a limo
Like I just dropped flows to a demo
Like it's ninety-two again and
And I got O's in the rental
Back in the Stu' again, no prob' livin was a whole lot simpler
When you think back, you thought that
you would never make it this far then you
Take advantage of the luck you handed
Or the talent, you been given
Ain't no, half steppin, ain't no, no slippin
Ain't no different from a block that's hidden
Gotta get it while the getting's good
Gotta strike while the iron's hot, 'fore you stop
Then you gotta bid it, good riddance
Goodbye, this is my second major breakup
My first was, with a pager
With a hooptie, a cookpot, and the GAME
This one's with the stool
Woo! It's like the blues - we gonna ride out on this one
Ta-tah, be-hah
Yo Hah, 'member you was makin them dashes
for them niggaa at radio and ****?
It's my pain and my struggle
The song that I sing to you it's my ev-ery-thing
Thirst is the same as when I came
It's like the blues - we gon' ride out on this one
Ta-tah, be-hah
Yo Hah, 'member you was makin them dashes
For them niggaa at radio and ****?
Clark Kent, that was good lookin out nigga
Clark Kent, that was good lookin out nigga
Carlene - who ever thought we'd make it this far homie?
Sha, they can't stop us, you know what I'm sayin'? Lenny S
Dame whattup? Robbin the bank
Niggaz thought we was crazy man, 'member uhh
You had that ****ed up *** handwritin'
You was writin all the numbers that we was spendin' now
For the videos we was doin' ourselves, whattup?
Original Flavor, your accountant was crazy wrong and ****
But we we still put it together
It 's my pain and my struggle
The song that I sing to you it's my ev-ery-thing
Thirst is the same as when I came
Party, over here over there, what, party party party
Party, over here over there, what, party party party
Talking no lies


Ghi chú về lời bài hát Roller coast

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Từ khóa tìm kiếm:
Lời bài hát Roller coast, Lời bài hát Roller coast Audition, Roller coast Lyric, thời gian/ năm sáng tác bài hát Roller coast, Roller coast lời bài hát - nhạc sĩ sáng tác khuyết danh, lyric Roller coast - composer khuyết danh
Loi bai hat Roller coast, Roller coast Lyric, thoi gian/ nam sang tac bai hat Roller coast, Roller coast loi bai hat - nhac si sang tac khuyết danh, lyric Roller coast - composer khuyết danh

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